Tryambkum Nirvana Centre TM

Ms. Shomi Payak is a renowned Astro Clairvoyant Healer, qualified literacy specialist and registered Secondary Teacher in New Zealand. She holds a masters degree in Literature and a double bachelor’s degree in Education and Honours from University of Delhi, India. She also holds a certificate in Journalism and many of her literary works and poems have been published by leading Newspapers in India and New Zealand. She is a nationally qualified Adult Literacy Educator in New Zealand. Ms. Shomi has sustained 99% Accuracy in her predictions and 99% success rate in healing of varied ailments. Her clientele includes many prominent personalities from Australia, Canada, India, Japan and Singapore and the Middle East.

Ms. Shomi Payak has Pioneered Tapa Energy Intensive Shakthipathas ((Healing) by the grace of her Guru. She received Diksha and divine knowledge from Shri. Dattatreya Avataram Shri Guruji. Her initiation started at the tender age of eleven, hence she has many years of experience in initiating others to transform their lives (Please refer to the media section of this website). Her sessions are intense. These include a thorough analysis of horoscope without the actual horoscope. She believes that Jyotish aka Astrology is Jyoti plus Ish meaning light of God/Goddess. She does not need any outside tool to interpret the horoscope. She “sees” with her divine vision the horoscope imprinted in the aura. She can make connections to various previous lives of the individual seeker and does Intensive Shakthipatha (Healing) to remove the bad Karma plaguing the seeker. She makes the ‘adjustments’ in the Aura to get the desired results. Her success stories are heard far and wide. Everyone sees the benefit after few sessions of Shaktipatha of Tapa Energy and readings – all is required is a person’s presence and willingness to allow Ms. Shomi to burn the negative Karma through ancient methods of the Masters.

Ms. Shomi Payak is the founder of Tryambkum Nirvana Centre New Zealand and Tryambkum Power cone Centre India. At Tryambkum Nirvana Centre New Zealand, run by Ms. Shomi, people of all ethnic groups and religions find peace and courage to overcome the negative thought process, thus creating positive energy to combat the problems and obstructions in their lives. The Centre is open from Monday until Saturday when she is in New Zealand and the Tryambkum Power Cone Centre in New Delhi is open when she visits India. The Centre provides solace and power to those who are battling negative Karmas.

Truth needs no evidence as wisely said. Same is true for Ms. Shomi. Her healings or Shakthipatha have brought about transformation in hundreds of lives in New Zealand and Overseas. One cannot just ‘come’ in Tryambkum Nirvana Centre. Only when the mountain of good fortune have been made then only one can have the luck to experience the sessions of Tapa Energy to transform one’s life. The Healing sessions burns the negative Karma which is sitting at the base chakra thereby freeing one from many limitations. Privacy and hundred per cent confidentiality is maintained for the individual coming to see Ms. Shomi.

The concept of Tapa is rooted in the ancient traditions of the mystics, powerful and enlightened masters and yogis of all religion and creeds. Ms. Shomi possesses this divine energy of Tapa which can transform the negative to positive, and in turn she reiterates that all beings have the potential to harness this energy. While treading the path of spiritual practices, service to mankind and a sense of discipline are of utmost significance and necessary to conserve and harness this energy in the individual’s lives.

Planetary magnetism along with other factors affects every individual at the core level. Through Tapa healing, it’s electromagnetic vibrations are altered on the inner plane -thereby making the individual a creative atom of his/her life. An individual develops certain immunity towards the sometimes - unhealthy emanations from the interplay of planetary influences (vibrations of planetary positions sometimes paralyze the positive in life and on the contrary is also truly dependent on myriad factors).